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To ensure that our Solar Engineer creates the most precise and comprehensive proposal for your solar system, we kindly request the following information. Our commitment to delivering tailor-made solutions means that our proposals are meticulously crafted during in-home consultations, taking into account your specific needs.


To proceed with the proposal, please provide us with the following details:


1. Your full name (First and Last)

2. Your email address

3. The physical address where the solar system will be installed


Additionally, we kindly request a copy of your most recent utility bill. This will assist us in accurately assessing your energy consumption patterns and designing a system that maximizes your savings and energy efficiency.


At SKOL Solar, we pride ourselves on utilizing cutting-edge technology to deliver highly accurate and reliable solar proposals to our customers. By leveraging advanced software, including lidar scans and heat signature scans, we ensure that our solar solutions are tailored precisely to the unique characteristics of each property. This commitment to technological innovation allows us to maximize energy production, optimize system performance, and provide our customers with the most efficient solar installations.

Advanced Software and Lidar Scans: One of the key elements that sets SKOL Solar apart is our use of lidar scans in conjunction with advanced software. Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) is a remote sensing technology that uses laser pulses to create detailed 3D models of objects and environments. We employ lidar scans to capture accurate measurements of rooftops, landscapes, and surrounding structures, enabling us to design solar systems with exceptional precision.

By integrating lidar data into our software, we can create comprehensive 3D models of a property, precisely mapping its topography, shading patterns, and architectural features. This allows us to determine the optimal placement and orientation of solar panels, taking into account factors such as sun exposure, potential obstructions, and roof angles. The result is a solar proposal that maximizes energy production and ensures long-term system efficiency.

Heat Signature Scans for Performance Optimization: In addition to lidar scans, SKOL Solar employs heat signature scans as part of our comprehensive solar proposal process. Heat signature scans utilize infrared technology to detect variations in surface temperatures. This valuable data helps us identify areas of heat loss or excessive heat accumulation, which can impact solar system performance.

By conducting heat signature scans, we can identify potential issues such as roof leaks, insulation deficiencies, or ventilation problems that may affect the efficiency of a solar installation. This allows us to provide our customers with detailed recommendations for addressing these issues before the solar system is installed. By optimizing the overall energy efficiency of the property, we ensure that our solar solutions deliver maximum benefits and long-term savings.

Reliable Solar Proposals for Peace of Mind: Our commitment to utilizing advanced software and scans goes beyond delivering accurate solar proposals. It also instills confidence in our customers, knowing that they are making informed decisions based on comprehensive data and advanced technology. With SKOL Solar, customers can trust that their solar installation will be designed and optimized to achieve optimal performance, energy savings, and environmental impact.

By harnessing the power of lidar scans, heat signature scans, and advanced software, SKOL Solar is at the forefront of the solar industry, providing our customers with exceptional precision, reliability, and peace of mind. Experience the difference of our technology-driven approach and let us create a solar proposal that is tailored to your property's unique characteristics, maximizing energy production and your return on investment.

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